After following our training in techniques for identifying business ideas and writing business plansFanou Dieu-donné Silix Babatoundé, a young student currently in his 3rdᵉ year of Fundamental Physics at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FAST) at the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), has convinced his older brother, a graduate but unemployed, to embark on a new entrepreneurial adventure with him: selling pineapple juice.
In just one month, thanks to our coaching, these two young entrepreneurs generated sales of 324,000 CFA FRANCS for a net profit of 81,000 CFA FRANCS. They buy each carton of juice (containing 30 bottles) at 6,000 CFA FRANCS with an SME supported by Job Booster Benin, and resell it between 6 500 F CFA wholesalers and up to 8,000 CFA FRANCS to private customers, depending on the delivery distance.
It's the start of a journey to success. Soon, national television will be talking about you, and even the most sceptical will be asking you to take the plunge.